applescript - ...with Properties {name:"***"} not working -

sorry if noob question, trying learn lovely program known applescript.

tell application "numbers" ¬ activate end

tell application "numbers" ¬ make new document properties {name:"document 3"} end

i can use format of script open other application (other iwork) , open up, make new document, , name it, whatever reason not work iwork.

i have tried set variable use in {name:variable} or {name:"variable"} no luck.

any appreciated, in advance.

ps...snide comments tolerated if bring me solution!

i have numbers. try this:

tell application "numbers"     set mydoc make new document properties {name:"document 3"}     name of mydoc end tell 

the results window should show "document 3". why not working? possibly because window contains document labeled "untitled"? that's because window not show document name until document saved. if choose "save" menu, see document name right there in save dialog, , window title update after save.


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