Get the visibility status of a toolbar according to Customize perspective dialog in Eclipse -

i'm working on plug-in, contributes toolbar. toolbar listed in customize perstpective dialog. when uncheck check-box, toolbar disappears expected. when toolbar updated code (using toolbar manager), gets displayed again. need somehow visibility status code in order prevent toolbar beeing updated when disabled.

do have idea, customize perspective dialog stores visibility status of menus , toolbars , how code, please?

you can information item id way:

private static boolean istoolbaritemvisible(string id){     iworkbench workbench = platformui.getworkbench();     iworkbenchwindow workbenchwindow = workbench.getactiveworkbenchwindow();      return !((workbenchpage) workbenchwindow.getactivepage()).gethiddenitems().contains((modeledpagelayout.hidden_toolbar_prefix + id + ",")); } 


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