swift - How do i calculate the distance from point A to point B in IOS google maps SDK? -

my goal calculate distance point point b using ios google maps sdk.

i found out there api call distance matrix api. questions are

  1. do need make http request using alamofire ios use distance matrix api?
  2. do need run own server (etc node.js, django, rails) make request distance matrix?

  3. or in ios google maps sdk?

1 -> yes, need make http request.

2 -> no, not need run own server. need google api key make requests google servers. can api key creating google account , following instructions in below link:- https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/distance-matrix/start

3 -> not need integrate full ios google sdk if need perform 1 of these tasks sdk. can hit api following instructions below doc distance matrix api doc:- https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/distance-matrix/intro?hl=en#requestparameters


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