serialization - How can I pass Selenium WebDriver objects between seperate Ruby processes? -

i want pass instance of object between 2 ruby processes. specifically, want pass instance of selenium webdriver 1 process process. reason want because takes lot of time ruby create object, want used other process.

i've found related questions here , here seem point towards using drb, i've been unable find useful examples or sample code.

is there tool other drb should using? have example similar copy from?

it looks you're going have use drb, although documentation seems lacking. there interesting article here. might want consider purchasing druby book masatoshi seki better idea of how effectively.

another option investigate if not looking @ simultaneous access, want send object 1 process another, serialize (that is, encode in way ruby can read) object yaml (for human readable file) or marshall (for binary encoded file) , send using pipe. mentioned in answer has since been deleted.

note either of these solutions require modifying selenium code heavily since objects want manipulate neither support copying, nor simultaneous access natively.


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