propertygrid - How to implement sub category elements in Property Grid using C# -

is there way implement sub category elements in property grid,

enter image description here

i have tried following code doesn't seem work

public class test {     private min2max range;      [category("product")]     public min2max range     {         { return range; }         set { range = value; }     }      class min2max     {         private double min = 0.1;         private double max = 99.9;          public double min         {             { return min; }             set { min = value; }         }          public double max         {             { return max; }             set { max = value; }         }     } } 

any suggestions or appreciated, many thanks..:)

what show in red in not kind of subcategory property has other child properties. problem min2max class , range property private, grid won't map them. if fix need attach 1 of them typeconverter "shows" properties. @ least, expandableobjectconverter can it. if need enable editing range (not sub-properties), converter have take care of too.

if more after true subcategory, simon right. it's not possible stock microsoft propertygrid , have rely on 3rd party propertygrid.


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