java - Convert input String to File Object -

i want convert input string nothing xml java object. using jaxb same. problem calling application going receive xml in form of string. jaxbunmarshaller.unmarshal(inputxml); expects file object in input. there way can convert input string file object without manually writing incoming content disk.

following method snippet

public void xmltoobject(string inputxml){         try{             jaxbcontext jaxbcontext = jaxbcontext.newinstance(lineitemsbeanlist.class);             unmarshaller jaxbunmarshaller = jaxbcontext.createunmarshaller();             lineitemsbeanlist objreq= (lineitemsbeanlist) jaxbunmarshaller.unmarshal(inputxml);             printlineitems(objreq.getlineitemsbean());             nba.processlineitems(objreq.getlineitemsbean());             nba.printfinalsetofrules();         }         catch(exception e){             system.out.println(e);          }     }  

you don't need make file object solve problem.

taken docs jaxb unmarshaller:

unmarshalling stringbuffer using

jaxbcontext jc = jaxbcontext.newinstance( "" ); unmarshaller u = jc.createunmarshaller(); stringbuffer xmlstr = new stringbuffer( "<?xml version="1.0"?>..." ); object o = u.unmarshal( new streamsource( new stringreader( xmlstr.tostring() ) ) ); 

in case can use similar method unmarshalling string:

lineitemsbeanlist objreq = (lineitemsbeanlist) jaxbunmarshaller.unmarshal(     new streamsource(new stringreader(inputxml))); 


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