WSImport WSDL artifacts in same package -

i have wsdl has 3 schemas schema 1, schema 2 , schema 3 .

schema 1 - target_namespace_1 schema 2 - target_namespace_2 schema 3 - target_namespace_3 

when run wsimport in cmd line on wsdl file , creates java artifacts in folders namely

target_namespace_1, target_namespace_2,target_namespace_3.  

this wsdl used in project , artifacts appear in single package.

i have tried using options in wsimport.exe still not able generate packages in single package. advise in regard helpful

assumed below wsdl includes multiple xsds different namespaces calling wsimport way:

 wsimport.exe -d c:/temp/generatedclasses -s c:/temp/sourcefiles c:/temp/mywsdl.wsdl 

will give package structure described in question (e.g. own package per namespace)

you can use parameter -p way:

wsimport.exe -d c:/temp/generatedclasses -s c:/temp/sourcefiles -p blob.der.bob c:/temp/mywsdl.wsdl 

and output resides in same package (your .java files reside in c:/temp/sourcefiles/blob/der/bob)


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