api - Base64 Authentication Python -

i'm following api , need use base64 authentication of user id , password.

'user id , password need both concatenated , base64 encoded'

it shows example


it proceeds 'provide encoded value in "authorization header"'

'for example: authorization: basic {base64-encoded value}'

how write python api request?

z = requests.post(url, data=zdata ) 


you can encode data , make request doing following:

import requests, base64  usrpass = "userid:password" b64val = base64.b64encode(usrpass) r=requests.post(api_url,                  headers={"authorization": "basic %s" % b64val},                 data=payload) 

i'm not sure if you've add "basic" word in authorization field or not. if provide api link, it'd more clear.


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