jquery - Simple scroll to animation flicker -

i using snippet of code found here:

simple jquery scroll anchor or down page...?

i have working fine quick flicker of initial screen each time click scroll. modified script work on div instead of anchor.

does have idea why happening?



after testing things in console think (99% certain) problem caused placing the anchor href '#.

you have few options:

1) replace anchor tags else. if replace the anchors p tags example, , change jquery work off p.[class] rather a.[class] should fix problem. (you can keep same anchor styling having cursor:pointer; in css make appear link when mouse on link)

2) prevent default action of link. add return false in links eg <a class="work" href="#" onclick="return false;">work</a>

the reason think may problem because when click anchor "#" default take top of page, think it's taking top of page quickly, returning , scrolling destination.


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