Excel Function - How to excluding certain alphabetically -

i using following function build series of running number in excel file.


the lists shown in file similar like: aa,ab,ac,ad,...

enter image description here

now, trying exclude alphabetical (such "g, i, o") list, not know how start it.

any advise?

remarks: exclude (g, i, o) -> "ag,ai..,ga,gb...oz"


set cell a1 "aa".

in cell a2 put following formula:


you can drag down how many ever rows need. might complicated, simple if break down.

to exclude chars "g", "i" , "o", remove them everywhere see "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz". become "abcdefhjklmnpqrstuvwxyz". might better put list of chars cell , reference cell instead of repeating string many times in formula.


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