c# - Outlook redemption for solving addin performance issues -

we're team of developers of addins ms outlook , we're facing problem "newmailex" event not fire exchange accounts in not cached mode. trying achieve autosave new items efficiently without overload outlook thread.

we looking through articles (here 1 of them https://www.add-in-express.com/creating-addins-blog/2011/10/03/outlook-newmail-event/) , decided implement new emails detection based on known , current lists comparison faced slow enumeration offline mode.

so wanted ask guys if can advise whether outlook redemption rdosession.onnewmail(entryid) work in non-cached case or have find way.

if event not suitable case may can tell if outlook redemption items enumeration faster original outlook's one?

so there 2 questions:

  1. will rdosession.onnewmail(entryid) work non-cached case?

  2. is olredemption items enumeration faster original outlook's one?

best regards

based on email, trying process messages arrived while outlook not running. in case newmailex not fire since message has been received exchange server while code not running.

your best bet read unread messages in inbox on startup using items.restrict or items,find/findnext. or better yet, use incremental change synchronization api: http://www.dimastr.com/redemption/rdofoldersynchronizer.htm


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