multithreading - How to apply threading in with passing an object of a custom class for a method -

i newbie here. need help. trying develop tool want implement multi-threading in stuck in place not resolve. let me explain you.

i have created custom class below:

public class testclass    'few private members of class    private string,b string    public structure abc        dim xx object        dim yy object        dim zz object    end structure    public aa(10) abc    'now needed override constructor initialization of     'instance of class can made in 2 different ways due     'requirement    public sub new(byval xy string,byref yz object)        'some internal method initialize object        me.a=xy        me.b=xy    end sub    'another way create instance    public sub new(byval xy string,byval yz string)        'some internal method initialize object        me.a=xy        me.b=yz    end sub   'now public method want call using threading   public sub testsub()       'do me.a,me.b , aa(some index)   end sub end class 

now in different module creating instance of class below:

dim x1 new testclass("some string",<some object reference>) dim x2 new testclass("some string","some string") 

now have declared sub in same module below

sub domystuff(byref a1 testclass)     a1.testsub() end sub 

after want create thread , run sub "domystuff" passing reference of x1

to have imported system threading:

imports system.threading 

inside module after initialization of x1 , x2 have written:

dim t1 new threading.thread(addressof domystuff) t1.start(x1) 

here getting error: overload resolution failed because no 'new' can called arguments: 'public sub new(start system.threading.parameterizedthreadstart, maxstacksize integer)': method 'public sub domystuff(byref a1 testclass)' not have signature compatible delegate 'delegate sub parameterizedthreadstart(obj object)'. 'public sub new(start system.threading.threadstart, maxstacksize integer)': method 'public sub domystuff(byref a1 testclass)' not have signature compatible delegate 'delegate sub threadstart()'.

if writing this,

dim t1 threading.thread t1 = (addressof domystuff) t1.start(x1) 

i getting error: 'addressof' expression can not converted 'system.threading.thread' because 'system.threading.thread' not delegate type.

might missing thing, unable find. not in delegate type concept. first project implementation of threading. looked answers in google unable understand sort out. highly solicited.


edit: have checked reference michael z. , helpful. first of big thank :)

however, unable understand thing in there. if me out there, highly grateful. per understanding, have changed code below:

public delegate sub test2(byref a1 testclass)     public t1 test2 = new test2(addressof domystuff)  public sub domystuff(byref a1 testclass)     a1.testsub() end sub 

now have declared in module follows:

dim t threading.thread = new threading.thread(addressof dostuff) 

here unable understand how write dostuff sub in example working textbox1 object in ui, wrote:

public sub dostuff()     if textbox1.invokerequired       textbox1.invoke(t1,"hello")    end if end sub 

but here need work object custom made i.e. x1 or x2. need pass reference of object in thread method testsub can work created object either x1 or x2. totally lost here :(

please correct me if anywhere wrong understand reference, otherwise if correctly understood, can please me out here. appreciate in advance.


firstly, ensure you're calling method:

dim t1 new threading.thread(addressof domystuff) t1.start(x1) 

next remove byref in method parameter sub domystuff(a1 testclass)

essentially make second module like:

module module2   dim x1 new testclass("some string", "asd")  dim x2 new testclass("some string", "some string")   sub testcall    dim t1 new thread(addressof domystuff)    t1.start(x1)  end sub   private sub domystuff(a1 testclass)     a1.testsub()  end sub end module 

and can call so:



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