bash - C: execlp() and > -

i want run execlp() c file , write result output file. use line:

buff = "./cgi-bin/smth"; execlp(buff, buff, "> /cgi-bin/tmp", null); 

where smth compiled c script. smth prints stdout, , no file appears. happens, , how put script result output file?

you have handle dup2 if using execlp. can @ how handle file out execvp in comparison. pass flag out redirection , handle it:

  if (structpipeline->option[0] == 1) { /* output redirection */             int length = structpipeline[i].size;         char *filename = structpipeline->data[length - 1];         (int k = length - 2; k < length; k++)             structpipeline->data[k] = '\0';             fd[1] = open(filename, o_wronly | o_creat, 0666);         dup2(fd[1], stdout_fileno);         close(fd[1]);     } /* todo: input redirection */     execvp(structpipeline[i].data[0], structpipeline[i].data); 

see question redirecting exec output buffer or file


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