javascript - Need to create a mouse over help icon -

icon needs display message when mouse on , message becomes hidden when mouse out. plain javascript please

<img src="helpicon.png" width=50 height=50 onmouseover="mytooltip('click form field see requirements.');" onmouseout="mytooltip('');"  />  function mytooltip(valuetodisplay) {  document.getelementbyid("helpicon").innerhtml = valuetodisplay;  } 

you can use html5 title attribute. e.g.

#mybigfatdiv {    padding: 100px;    background-color: #ddd;    cursor: pointer;    text-align: center;  }
<div id="mybigfatdiv" title="hell yea is!">hover on me find out if great answer</div>


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