java - Problems while building HiveDB in Eclipse -

i trying build hivedb project hivedb github in eclipse. able clone project link. however, project unable add maven dependencies automatically, when trying convert maven project , building it. causing huge number of errors in code.

missing dependency

is there way fix it? tried doing maven-clean , build again resulted in error. following screenshot of same.


thanks in advance.

you should start create local repository - use nexus or artifactory this, , if can't find library maven repo, put manually in local repo. save lot of time.

and seems have compilation issue - not able jdk? should put :

<build>   <plugins>      <plugin>         <artifactid>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactid>         <version>3.1</version>         <configuration>               <fork>true</fork>               <executable>d:\jdk1.7.49\bin\javac.exe</executable>          </configuration>       </plugin>    </plugins> 


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