graph tool - proper linking of PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH after gcc-5.2 install in own directory -

i compiled , installed gcc-5.2. did not have root access installed in own directory. forget @ end meant link through ld_library_path , path

setenv ld_library_path /bigbang/data/username/lib/gcc-5.2/lib setenv ld_library_path /bigbang/data/username/lib/gcc-5.2/lib64:$ld_library_path setenv path /bigbang/data/username/lib/gcc-5.2/bin:$path 

when run ./gcc following error:

gcc: error while loading shared libraries: 

is there wrong how linking lib paths? in advance. also, simple did configure ./configure --prefix=/bigbang/data/username/lib/gcc-5.2/, recommended configuration flags should use? i'm aiming use graph_tool.

if have installed gcc non-standard prefix /my/gcc/prefix can use installation without special preparations passing:


whenever call frontend (gcc, g++, etc). call frontend usual command:

gcc -b/my/gcc/prefix ... 

this assumes some version of gcc installed standardly.

see 3.15 options directory search


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