excel - c# publishing a project -

i have created program gets access database , output information excel file. in bin/debug folder use excel template , excel workbook data gets input too.

in later version wanted save user input excel file in same directory , access via program.

is there way can give user ( test purposes ) folder maybe .exe inside can start , use program ( , excel files located in bin/debug ) ?

yes, excel files located in bin/debug.

and steps publishing c# project below:

  1. add setup project clicking on file-> add-> new project.
  2. select here setup , deployment in left side bar in project types.

    here find 3 options following:

    • application folder
    • user's desktop
    • user's program menu
  3. these 3 options 3 places want copy our setup fules during installation process. here have select 1 option. suppose select user's desktop. right click on user's desktop option , select add-> project output.

  4. after clicking on project output, new window open. here select first 4 options. click on ok.

  5. after clicking on ok, rebuild setup build option in menu bar.

  6. after this, let's test our setup going right clicking on setup project in solution explorer , click on install menu item.

    • the setup process start
  7. after completing installation go on desktop there find files have included in setup on desktop.


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