eclipse why cannot set breakpoint in static block code -

maven project have dependency jar -- log4j-1.2.14.jar,

<dependency>         <groupid>log4j</groupid>         <artifactid>log4j</artifactid>         <version>1.2.14</version> </dependency> 

when executes junit test have below error info /users/foo/documents/logs/info.log (no such file or directory) ... @ org.apache.log4j.logmanager.<clinit>( @ org.apache.log4j.logger.getlogger( ... 

i'd set breakpoint in 122 line, cannot. enter image description here

it strange , set breakpoint in other part of same class. found 122 line in static block code.

static {...} 

it seems if line in static block code , cannot enable breakpoint here.

so why this?


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