bash - Exec tag in Ant file -

i work bash script ant ant. want execute bash script inline build.xml file. bash script here

for f in `cat lg-media-file-list`     subdir=`dirname $f`     mkdir -p ${destination}$subdir     cp $f ${destination}${subdir} done 

can me?

ant matrix dependency language while shell scripts procedural languages. purpose of matrix dependency language allow build description determine order of execution. procedural languages allow define order.

you can embed scripting ant build scripts (usually using javascript), define customized tasks. i've been working ant since version 1.5 came out, , have done less 1/2 dozen times. last time defined filter task lowercase file names copied on war. (don't ask why files weren't cased correctly in first place).

what trying accomplish? part of build process? if is, why not use defined ant tasks can this? attempting use ant procedural scripting tool? if so, you're asking whole lot of hurt. ant isn't made that.

please give bit more information situation. want accomplish? mentioned i want have code 1 place.. know functions? can define functions in bash , via .bashrc file, have access them if shell scripts. code in one place way.

however, until know want do, it's difficult figure out advise do.


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