tabstop - How to set tab indentation in Google Code? -

i use visual studio development environment, , tab indentation 4, after commit google code, indentation 8 in browser, makes code ugly.

does know how reset tab indentation 4 when looking @ in web browser?

apparently not supported. this enhancement request filed 5 years ago, , still marked "won't fix":

if rely on tabs width other 8 spaces code formatted correctly, other contributors have trouble reading code. if prefer hard tabs, it's practice use spaces (not tabs) formatting/alignment other plain indentation: way, code right no matter tab width.

i don't see taking action on in foreseeable future: adding complexity project administration enable isn't such great idea anyway.


so looks out of luck. guess that's using tabs instead of spaces. tabs require far support editor, , high quality editors sadly still not ubiquitous.

it trivial configure visual studio use spaces everywhere instead of tabs, including when press tab key: tools → options → text editor → <language> → tabs → insert spaces


if don't want use spaces everywhere, set source control system convert tabs spaces when commit code, , convert spaces tabs when check out. sounds lot of effort work around limitations of 1 of tools, wouldn't hard in practice once got set up.


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