java - Hibernate generating a query from Named Query that joins on the wrong column? -

i using named query (hibernate 4).entity defined below.

    @entity        @namedquery(         name = "findallproduct",         query = "select pc.pincode,po.description"         +" product_vendor_payment_option_location pvpol"          +" inner join pvpol.paymentid pid"          +" inner join pvpol.pincode pc"         +" inner join pvpol.paymentoptions po"         +" = :id"          )       public class product_vendor_payment_option_location extends baseentity.entity {          @id         @generatedvalue(         private int id;          @column(name="payment_id")         @onetomany(cascade=cascadetype.all,fetch=fetchtype.eager,mappedby="id")         private set<product_catalog_vendor> paymentid;           @column(name="pincode_id")         @onetomany(cascade=cascadetype.all,fetch=fetchtype.eager,mappedby="pincode_id")         private set<pincodes> pincode;                @column(name = "payment_options")          @onetomany(cascade=cascadetype.all,fetch=fetchtype.eager,mappedby="paymentoptions")          private set<payment_options> paymentoptions;  //protected setter getter here  } 

hibernate generating below sql:-

    select  pincode2_.pincode col_0_0_,    paymentopt3_.description col_1_0_     product_vendor_payment_option_location product_ve0_  inner join    product_catalog_vendor paymentid1_          on  inner join    pincodes pincode2_          on  inner join    payement_options paymentopt3_          on 

instead of

select pincode2_.pincode col_0_0_,  paymentopt3_.description col_1_0_  product_vendor_payment_option_location product_ve0_ inner join product_catalog_vendor paymentid1_          on **product_ve0_.payment_id =**  inner join pincodes pincode2_          on **product_ve0_.pincode_id = pincode2_.pincode_id** inner join payement_options paymentopt3_          on **product_ve0_.payment_options=paymentopt3_.payment_options**; 

product_catalog_vendor class:

@entity     public class product_catalog_vendor extends baseentity.entity {              @id             @column(name="id")             private int id ;    //setters , getters here  } 

pincodes entity:

@entity public class pincodes extends baseentity.entity {        @id     private int pincode_id;      @column(name="pincode")     private int pincode;   //setters , getters here } 

payment_options entity below:

@entity @table(name="payement_options")      public class payment_options extends baseentity.entity {      @id     @column(name="payment_options")     private int paymentoptions;   //setter getter 


i have searched on many sites unable find cause behind scene. please give me suggestions if doing wrong. references appreciated. thanks

just problem correcty, query joins on instead of or missing differenz between expected , real query?

i'm not pro guessing query joining id of product_catalog_vendor:

@id @column(name="id") private int id ; 

so because thats why id , not id...


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