Android - wlan0 doesn't exist -

i'm using galaxy s2 (rom 4.1.2). turn off wifi using command :


the above command lists available nic. doesn't have "wlan0" in it. use :

ifconfig wlan0 

it shows :

error: siocgifflags (no such device)

until turn wifi function on, wlan0 added.

now i'm developing hotspot application need config options wlan0 interface. in galaxy s1 (rom 4.2.2). when wifi function turns off. still show wlan0 as:

wlan0    down   0x00001002 00:26:37:63:d8:ab 

so question is: there anyway can add wlan0 when don't use wifi function?

i know 1 year late still .... installed busybox , terminal app , checked available interfaces following command

busybox ifconfig -a 

what got know wireless interface phone named "eth0" instead of "wlan0"

hope helps .. better late never .


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