sql - How to insert big chunk of data into db? -

i using nopcommerce , arvixe hosting.

i have xml file contains products site (about 26000 records). wrote plugin allows me add records using sql script.

the problem is: time of request ends , first 500 - 1000 records appears in db. recommend? maybe should move code different place (not in plugin)?

try sqlbulkcopy:

using (sqlconnection destinationconnection = new sqlconnection(connectionstring)) {     destinationconnection.open();      using (sqlbulkcopy bulkcopy = new sqlbulkcopy(destinationconnection))     {         bulkcopy.destinationtablename = "dbo.bulkcopydemomatchingcolumns";         try         {             // reader sqldatareader has 26000 records             bulkcopy.writetoserver(reader);         }         catch (exception ex)         {             console.writeline(ex.message);         }                 {             reader.close();         }     } } 


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