machine learning - How do you add new categories and training to a pretrained Inception v3 model in TensorFlow? -

i'm trying utilize pre-trained model inception v3 (trained on 2012 imagenet data set) , expand in several missing categories.

i have tensorflow built source cuda on ubuntu 14.04, , examples transfer learning on flowers working great. however, flowers example strips away final layer , removes 1,000 existing categories, means can identify 5 species of flowers, can no longer identify pandas, example.

how can add 5 flower categories existing 1,000 categories imagenet (and add training 5 new flower categories) have 1,005 categories test image can classified as? in other words, able identify both pandas , sunflowers?

i understand 1 option download entire imagenet training set , flowers example set , train scratch, given current computing power, take long time, , wouldn't allow me add, say, 100 more categories down line.

one idea had set parameter fine_tune false when retraining 5 flower categories final layer not stripped: , i'm not sure how proceed, , not sure if result in valid model 1,005 categories. thoughts.

unfortunately, cannot add categories existing graph; you'll have save checkpoint , train graph checkpoint onward.


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