teamcity - How can I cleanly build one project in git that relies on artifacts from another project -

if have 2 projects, 1 outputs .dll , .lib stub, , links .lib stub, , extension uses generated .dll @ runtime, how can set tc build system , git repository cleanly:

  1. allow user checkout client application, build it, , run without having go find latest .dll/.lib files
  2. keep official builds , tc builds of client application in sync; if checkout , run locally, behaves same tc build version, using same .dll , .lib

my initial thoughts either have appropriate .lib , .dll files in client application (like 3rd party binaries), checked in tc whenever new .dll built; it's little strange have tc pushing git, seems might work. or, have logic in pre-build step of solution goes out tc latest binaries, less because building user may not have credentials tc, , may not want latest versions.

if first solution way go, there easy support in tc this? or have full checkout, update, add/commit, push during build process? there pitfalls these solutions haven't considered?

you can have script download libraries on developer machine teamcity build configuration. script used locally. see

on server can use snapshot+artifact dependencies keep building of these projects in sync:

snapshot dependency provides sources synchronization, if change api in library , it's usage in dependent project @ same time, can sure teamcity build correctly.


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