jquery - Pass Golang Variables into Javascript -

i trying pass golang variables javascript file. have read multiple articles online, including how pass variables , data php javascript?. feel i'm pretty close, alas eloquent implementation problem eludes me.

i'm looking simple , elegant solution injects object value in go variable in javascript. feel common problem, lack of clear tutorial on surprises me.

my first file [server.go] servers html page using templating libraries in golang passing in context , serving them through handlers.

type passstruct struct{     data    []int     number1 int     number2 int }  //inject structure render func render(w http.responsewriter, tmpl string, context context){        //parse context , fill in templating variables using template   }  

i have html document served, adds javascript file it.

 <html>      <head>      //import javascript file       </head>      <body>      //some body      </body>  </html> 

finally, javascript file interested in:

  var data; //some    var number1;   var number2;    function dosomething(){   } 

i need send passstruct javascript file, , map out each of values within structure variable in javascript file. have tried ajax calls, have not had success far.

this way maybe helpful:


<html>     <head>      <!--import javascript file -->         <script type="text/javascript" src="static/myjs.js"></script>         <script type="text/javascript">             myfunc({{.}});         </script>      </head>      <body>      <!--some body-->      </body> </html>  


function myfunc(passstruct){     var obj = object();      var data = passstruct.data;     var number1=passstruct.number1;     var number2=passstruct.number2;      obj.data=data;     obj.number1=number1;     obj.number2=number2;      return obj;  } 


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