mvc - Identity Management in MVC 6 -

i have switched mvc 5 project mvc 6 , having issues identity management.

as part of sign-up process, user selects role saved in userroles table using applicationusermanager.

in mvc 5 version, code in accoutncontroler is

public applicationusermanager usermanager {                 {             return _usermanager ?? httpcontext.getowincontext().getusermanager<applicationusermanager>();         }         private set         {             _usermanager = value;         }     } 

later on in controller...

    public async task<actionresult> register(registerviewmodel model)     {         if (modelstate.isvalid)         {             var user = new applicationuser() { username =, email =, isregcomplete = true};             identityresult result = await usermanager.createasync(user, model.password);             if (result.succeeded)             {                 usermanager.addtorole(, model.role);                 await signinasync(user, ispersistent: false);                  if (model.role == "owner")                 {                     return redirecttoaction("create", "owners");                 }                 else                 {                     return redirecttoaction("create", "servicecompanies");                 }             }             else             {                 adderrors(result);             }         }          // if got far, failed, redisplay form         return view(model);     } 

as there no identityconfig.cs in mvc 6 applicationusermanager go or replaces allow me addtorole()?

cheers, kevin.

i have not been using identity in mvc6 yet, there articles in documentation might you.

introduction identity , migrating authentication , identity


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