ios - Save EVObjects with CoreData -

i need save data coredata. thats not problem @ all. problem is, data created evreflection therefore inherits class evobject. save gathered data coredata have inherit nsmanagedobject. problem swift not allow inherit multiple classes. appreciate tips.

class device : evobject {     var channel : [channel] = [channel]()     var name : string = ""     var ise_id : int = 0     var unreach : bool = false     var sticky_unreach : bool = false     var config_pending : bool = false      override internal func propertymapping() -> [(string?, string?)] {         return [("name", "_name"), ("ise_id", "_ise_id"), ("unreach", "_unreach"), ("sticky_unreach", "_sticky_unreach"), ("config_pending", "_config_pending")]     } } 

you don't have inherit. can extend them. example:

class user : nsmanagedobject{    @nsmanaged ..... }  //extension import evreflection extension user : evreflectable { }


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