html - CSS: Trigger styling for the sibling -

so have input field , button this:

<span class="btn-wrapper">     <input type="text" id="mytextfield">     <button type="submit" id="mysubmitbutton">go</button> </span> 

what want is, when user focuses on mytextfield, want add border both mytextfield , mysubmitbutton.

i have tried fails:

#mytextfield:focus + #mysubmitbutton{ border-color:solid 1px red; } 


you have 2 problems:

  1. you using border shorthand syntax border-color property
  2. you need select both elements, not button.


#mytextfield:focus, #mytextfield:focus + #mysubmitbutton{     border:solid 1px red; } 

here's fiddle check out:


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