c# - How to style TextBox headers with multiple colors in Xaml UWP? -

i have lot of textboxes (100's) , want style them such part of textbox color , other in certain.

enter image description here

the above image states need. asterisk red in color.

i have achieved using code

<textbox.header>     <textblock >         <run >card number</run><run foreground="red">*</run>     </textblock> </textbox.header>  

but have many textboxes can write style achieve this? content of header dynamic wondering how can this?

alright achieved creating below styling.

<style x:key="mandatorytextbox" targettype="textbox">     <setter property="headertemplate">         <setter.value>             <datatemplate>                 <textblock>                      <run text="{binding}"></run><run foreground="red">*</run>                 </textblock>             </datatemplate>         </setter.value>     </setter> </style> 


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