javascript - Json Data type without Stringify to MVC Controller -

i have mvc controller have string parameter.

  [httppost]         public string index(string data)         {                 return data.tostring();          } 

and webhook respond this.


the problem data null when debug on , have no way of controlling response webhook , controlled web app.

i try use postman have content-type of application/javascript json

now if try post kind of json, data


i return of mydata if parameter (string data) exact data object json, how can entire thing object. [without creating class serialization] need either object or plain string.

also if try add more parameters, first parameter getting omitted. might use class creation first have know how data with


this kind of format.

steps have tried far. 1. create class xamasoft json class generator. 2. change parameter object: result {object}; 3. change parameter jsonresult. still null. 4. added array string[]. result. still nothing; 5. added [system.web.http.frombody] parameter. same result;

updated question

so stephen muecke had answered correctly , unfortunately in comment again.

i have added question query not have ask again in different context.

so how can data if json return in format.

{"data":{"estimated_value":[{"index":0, "address": "128 myhome"},{"index":1, "address": "531 myappartment"}] }


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