java - I am trying to look through an array and pick out certain strings -

we have complete task ap computer science class, , figured out base of code, stuck on part. here link complete assignment if try out.


here code far:

public int numvworthy(string wordslist[]) {   int count = 0;   string w = "w";   string v = "v";    for(int = 0; < wordslist.length; i++) {     if(wordslist[i].contains(v) && wordslist.length - 1 == 0) {       count++;     }      if(wordslist[i].contains(v) && == 0) {       if(!wordslist[i + 1].contains(w)) {         count++;       }     }     if(wordslist[i].contains(v) && == wordslist.length - 1) {       if(!wordslist[i - 1].contains(w)) {         count++;       }     }    }   return count; } 

the syntax using incorect

it should be

if(wordslist[i].contains(v)) { 


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