selenium - How can you pass a parameter into you fitnesse test with soapui? -

i using soapui run fitnesse test page, send request jms queue , again run fitnesse test page:

  1. in soapui execute http test step
  2. in soapui send request jms queue
  3. in soapui execute http test step

step 1 needs specific unique number testing created fitnessse when test page executed soapui when step 3 executed needs same unique number created in step 1.

i thinking insert random number test page fitnesse soapui , keep random number in scope of soapui don't know how. thought of passing parameter through url localhost:8000/testpage?responder=test&format=xml&randomnr=2317391 not able retrieve parameter in fitnesse test page.

somebody ideas?

there no functionality in fitnesse passing arguments wiki page when invoke via url. has been asked couple of times in various forums, far no 1 has contributed solution it.

i consider creating fixture can fetch humber in way. have cenralized thing asks number use when running test , pass later steps in test using symbols.

it's sort of clunky, work.


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