What is the best way to connect two many-to-many (belongsToMany) together in laravel? -

i have 2 working many-to-many (belongstomany) relations. looking third connection connects these 2 relations together. doing myself in manual way wonder if there built in laravel way. plus efficient , proper way accomplish this?

here short presentation of tables:

users   name  email  password  role_user   role_id  user_id  roles   name  permission_role  permission_id  role_id  permissions   name  route 

the users table related roles belongstomany using role_user pivot table, permissions table related roles table using permission_role table. okay how relate users , permissions together. how can $permissions = app\user::find(1)->permissions()->get(); done in laravel way.

i can't use hasmanythrough relation because none of tables users, roles , permissions have relating columns users.role_id or roles.user_id use


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