ubuntu - Cannot connect to MongoDB instance on AWS EC2 instance -

i have created mongodb instance on aws ec2 ubuntu instance.

mongodb running , when ssh machine , run mongodb mongod console, able create databases, confident running successfully.

however, not able gain access database local machine in browser.

i have changed bindip in /etc/mongod.conf, , have opened port 27017 executing sudo ufw allow 27017 browser still times out trying connect.

when try configure instance using mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf, error:

control  [main] failed global initialization: filenotopen: failed open "/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log" 

this file exists! relevant portion of config file looks this:

systemlog:   destination: file   logappend: true   path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log 

i have read have enable rest interface specifying --rest, don't know how since starting database service sudo service mongod start command.

my aws security settings looks this:

enter image description here

what missing?

you haven't specified mongodb version you're using, since you're showing yaml configuration, i'll assume it's 2.6 or later.

you can enable rest interface via mongodb.conf following (per https://docs.mongodb.com/v3.0/reference/configuration-options/):

net:    http:       enabled: true       restinterfaceenabled: true 

according mongodb docs, rest interface (which deprecated in 3.2) listens on port 28017 (1000 + mongod port), have open firewall port.

also, recommend not opening db ports world ( find laptop's ip (or router's ip assigned isp) , add instead.

your browser cannot connect (you didn't specify exact error) because mongodb doesn't use http or other browser protocol , browser doesn't know how to talk it. won't able browser rest interface enabled anyway. try getting mongo shell (make sure same version mongodb on server) on laptop , seeing if can connect port 27017 that.


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