javascript - How would you convert Binary field of type 4 to type 0? -

how convert binary field of type 4 type 0 using shell script ?

i thought running simple script this

db.places.find({}).foreach(function(data) {     // how data ?     print(;      // db.places.update(....) }); 

but couldn't figure out how binary data can construct new binary. object.keys() shows there 2 fields: type , len

you can not force type. don't quite understand why want this, can rewrite document force new type:

db.places.insert( { id: new bindata( 0x04, "sevmte8=" ) } ); db.places.find(); { "_id" : objectid("5204c4f252d346a74dd17755"), "id" : bindata(4,"sevmte8=") } 

so script, can this:

db.places.find({}).foreach(function(data) {     bindata =;     db.places.update( { _id: data._id }, { $set: { id : new bindata(0, bindata) } } ); }); 


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