localhost - Port 80 is listening but i can't start apache(this is after i installed moodle for windows, before it was all fine) -

i installed xampp 1.7.7 5 months ago , working right after installed moodle windows 7 v2.5, 4 days ago (when im using moodle, start , stop localhost server using windows webmatrix, , pack mysql, php , iisexpress installed). i've stopped moodle's server, when try start apache in xampp replies busy. ran netstat -a, , says port 80 it's listening. don't want use xampp service , don't want turn off webserver, because said i'm working moodle , needs internet connection , read may lose data choosing these actions. i'm not using skype btw, used once when working in moodle , moodle's localhost still works when start it, xampp's not. reason im using xampp im working wordpress. wordpress work if copy , paste folder in windows webmatrix, , use webmatrix both moodle , wordpress, or stupid.

i don't know if clear enough, need cause need finish thesis.

thanks lot!


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