excel - Comparing contents of two spreadsheets -

i have coped contents of 2 different spreadsheets 1 document – need compare results of 2 sheets (4 columns in each)

in first group of 4 columns there 3 entries 17th may , in second group of 4 there 4 entries – patricia nightingale missing.

is feasible write script highlights discrepancies in either sets? (ideally compare units)

this quite long spreadsheets (i have coipied first 4 columns - d , second columns f - i)

i not sure if possible if me?

 name           date         units   service user   alicia haines  17 may 2016  1.00    albert nightingale   alicia haines  17 may 2016  0.50    eve reed   alicia haines  17 may 2016  0.75    raymond watson (private)   alicia haines  18 may 2016  0.50    albert nightingale   alicia haines  18 may 2016  3.00    david poole   alicia haines  18 may 2016  0.25    eve reed    candidate      date         service user          visit (mins)  alicia haines  17 may 2016  albert nightingale    60  alicia haines  17 may 2016  eve reed              30  alicia haines  17 may 2016  patricia nightingale  15  alicia haines  17 may 2016  raymond watson        45  alicia haines  18 may 2016  albert nightingale    30  alicia haines  18 may 2016  david poole           180  

i had done time back. created excel sheets odbc data source using administrator tool in windows. , write java code uses odbc connection connect excel, each sheet inside excel become table. can use sql minus queries perform comparison.


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