swift - Unable to subtract two sets containing two dictonaries -

// compare 2 arrays getting result same first set

    let precontactset = set(arrayliteral: temppreviouscontactarray )     let currentcontactset = set(arrayliteral: tempcurrentcontactarray)     let subtractset =  currentcontactset.intersect(precontactset)     print(subtractset) 

you can subtract 2 set using following code. try hope you.

let test1 : nsarray = nsarray(array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) let test2 : nsarray = nsarray(array: [4, 3]) let set1 : nsmutableset = nsmutableset(array: test1 [anyobject]) let set2:nsset = nsset(array: test2 [anyobject]) set1.intersectset(set2 set<nsobject>) print(set1.allobjects) 


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