sql - MS Access Grouped Percentage Calculation -

not sure how best explain 1 have table example looks this:

date        websitepage  visits 01/01/2016  visits       50 01/01/2016  basket       40 01/01/2016  checkout     35 01/01/2016  thankyou     25 02/01/2016  visits       43 02/01/2016  basket       23 02/01/2016  checkout     20 02/01/2016  thankyou     12 

as can see website pages (fictional example). want create query, access query calculation or sql or vba (limited cant use case statement in access sql), calculate websitepage conversion percentage e.g basket/checkout, checkout/thankyou , visits conversion of thankyou/visits etc.

i'm struggling how compile query or write calculation. simple in excel typically. dont want split websitepage out separate columns.

can point me in right direction?

you use query 4 different counts in 4 different columns make task easier:

select   [date],          sum(iif(websitepage = "visits", visits, 0))   visits,          sum(iif(websitepage = "basket", visits, 0))   basket,          sum(iif(websitepage = "checkout", visits, 0)) checkout,          sum(iif(websitepage = "thankyou", visits, 0)) thankyou     mytable group [date] 

note iif can solve issues use case when expressions in more iso-compliant sql databases.

if save above statement query in ms access (let's call myquery), can things this:

select   [date],          100*basket/checkout   basket_checkout_pct,          100*checkout/thankyou checkout_thankyou_pct,          100*thankyou/visits   thankyou_visits_pct     myquery 


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