Sending Message Using Twilio-C# -

hy... i'm learning twilio rightnow, , have seen post here

i have made own code because in above site "sendsmsmessage" deprecated now, here code :

using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using twilio; namespace smsusingtwilio {     class program     {         static void main(string[] args)         {             string account_sid = "acmysid";              string auth_token = "40myauthtoken";              twiliorestclient client = new twiliorestclient(account_sid, auth_token);              message response = client.sendmessage("(732)305-8856", "+6285220446195", "hellow hyosoka poipo :d");               console.writeline(response.status);             console.writeline(response.accountsid);              console.writeline("sms berhasil di kirim");             console.readline();             }     } } 

the problem don't sms message phone number , don't response in c# project: enter image description here

so what's wrong here...?? please help..thank much...:)

after seeing mr.david answer, realized phone number not yet verified. go link verifying number:

after that, run project agian , here result : enter image description here

yeeeiii...thanks comments , answer... appreciate it... :)


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