python - There is an errors embed album art with mutagen? -

the problem is, whenever embed picture mp3 , mp3 file increase less bytes picture is. i'll explain in code:

import os mutagen.mp3 import mp3 mutagen.id3 import id3, apic, error mutagen import file  audio = id3() open('111.mp3', 'rb') f:     rawfile =  dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('e:/exp/apic'):     fname in filenames:         path = os.path.join(dirpath, fname)          ap = apic(             encoding = 3,             mime = 'image/jpg',             type = 3,             desc = u'cover',             data = open(path, 'rb').read() )          sz_changed = os.stat('111.mp3').st_size         audio.add(ap)'111.mp3')         sz_changed = os.stat('111.mp3').st_size - sz_changed         print u'lost bytes:%d' % (len(         open('111.mp3', 'wb') f:             f.write(rawfile) #reset 

the code shows can't embed whole picture mp3 , neight mp3 player nor phone can read broken art problem is? although can embed pic when embed more larger pic.

now going show result of above code:

lost bytes:4174 lost bytes:5594 lost bytes:4924 lost bytes:4777 lost bytes:4938 lost bytes:4750 lost bytes:5558 lost bytes:4710 lost bytes:4924 lost bytes:5686 lost bytes:4936 lost bytes:4788 lost bytes:5319 lost bytes:5605 lost bytes:4790 lost bytes:4781 lost bytes:5692 lost bytes:5248 

try changing:

mime = 'image/jpg' 'image/jpeg' 

i had similar problem before , helped


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