python - How to change contrib.auth.views.password_change view texts in Django? -

i use djangos default passoword_change view, want change text requirement texts , field labels. example, these texts site:

  • your password can't similar other personal information.
  • your password must contain @ least 8 characters.

how can change these texts?

url(r'^password-change/$', 'django.contrib.auth.views.password_change',     {'template_name': 'index/salasanan_vaihto.html'}, name='userauth_password_change'), url(r'^password-change-done/$', 'django.contrib.auth.views.password_change_done',     {'template_name': 'index/salasanan_vaihto_valmis.html'},     name='password_change_done'), 

the password checked using validators defined settings.auth_password_validators.

those classes implemented here, write own , overwrite def get_help_text(self) and/or validate() methods.


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