php - PHPMailer get addresses from file -

i'm trying get addresses simple text file, people don't understand code can still add/remove or change adresses.

phpmailer working totally fine when set address normally, writing directly in code, , array , foreach.

so @ moment have :

mail.php :

//all phpmailer settings on $mail var $addresses = file('mail.txt', file_ignore_new_lines); foreach($addresses $email) {     echo "$email<br>";     $mail->addaddress($email); } 

mail.txt :

'' '' 

the echo return both addresses var doesn't seem work in addaddress() line, , usual error : mailer error: must provide @ least 1 recipient email address.

thanks correcting me if i'm wrong or if know other solution work !

okay here working code corrected of waqas shahid :

mail.php :

//all phpmailer settings on $mail var $addresses = file('mail.txt', file_ignore_new_lines); foreach($addresses $email) {     $email = trim($email);     $change = array('\n', '\t', '\r');     $email = str_replace($change, "", $email);     $mail->addaddress($email); } 

mail.txt : 

you should remove single quotes first, value line line , remove whitespaces using trim() remove '\n', '\t', '\r' using str_replace()


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