jenkins - How to build a svn project that depends on other svn project -

i try jenkins ci of project !

for building project, need 3 others svn modules (that contains other project).

for example, project architecture :

- https://scm-svn/myproject/build    - build subproject 1    - build subproject 2    - build subproject 3  - https://scm-svn/myproject/common    - common subproject 1    - common subproject 2    - common subproject 3  - https://scm-svn/myproject/server    - server subproject 1    - server subproject 2  - https://scm-svn/mainproject/server    - main project server 1 

main project server 1 contains build.xml ant file build whole project (with modules) when in same workspace (like eclipse does).

in jenkins, when use svn module, after each new module, workspace cleaned !

so try use "clone workspace plugin", i've created new project each svn module , create each projects.

but in mainproject configuration, how can configure copy/past others subproject workspace mainproject's workspace ?

in way able execute ant task in build step lunching build.xml

unfortunately there open issue related exporting using subversion plugin:

you can decide not use subversion plugin , execute "svn export.... command".

another idea might exclude .svn folder checkout (if not checkout .svn folder it'll mimic same behavior export)

good luck!


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