javascript - How to pass image,title and description to Bootstrap Modal popup? -

how can pass image,title , description bootstrap modal? when 1 image link click modal open image title , description. code is:

<?php                      $result = mysql_query("select * project");             $file_path = 'admin1\projectimages/';   while($post=mysql_fetch_array($result)){     $id=$post['id']; $ptitle=$post['title']; $image=$post['image']; $des=$post ['description'];  $src = $file_path . $post['image']; echo'<li class="col-md-4 col-sm-6"><a href="#modal" class="fa" data-toggle="modal"  data-placement="right"><h4 class="project_heading">'.$ptitle.'</h4></a>                     <a href="#modal" class="fa ok " data-toggle="modal"  data-target="#modal" data-placement="right"><img src='.$src.' style="width:250px; border:1px solid red;"></a></li>';} ?> 

modal code:

<div class=" modal fade bs-example-modal-lg"  role="dialog"  id="modal" aria-hidden="true" data-keyboard="true" data-backdrop="static" tabindex="-1">     <a href="#modal" class="fa fa-times cls-pop" data-dismiss="modal" id="thanks" ></a>     <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg clearfix">       <div class="modal-content pop-up"> <h3 >title</h3>                <div class="clearfix">             <div>               <img src="   "   style="width:99%; border:1px solid red;">               <p></p><p ></p> <p></p></div>          </div>         </div>     </div>   </div> 

you can pass data php html using echo.

so here: <h3 >title</h3>

you put: <h3><?php echo $ptitle; ?></h3>

the shorter notation <?= $ptitle; ?>

it work fine long 1) html working , 2) variables getting populated.


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