javascript - How do I find the sum value of an array of objects in a loop? -

i'm not sure if wording of question accurate based on description of problem please edit if can more accurate.

i trying build stamp duty calculator improve js, have array of objects different "bands" , "percents" using calculate tax based on users input. have attached image better understanding

enter image description here

i displaying amount of tax each band in table , trying find total tax finding sum of values in "tax" column.

currently displaying highest value.

i have tried can thing off , nothing has worked, how can fix this?

here code,

 $(function (jquery) {       (function stampdutycalculator() {       var taxbands = [          {              min: 0,              max: 125000,              percent: 0          },          {              min: 125000,              max: 250000,              percent: 0.02          },          {              min: 250000,              max: 925000,              percent: 0.05          },          {              min: 925000,              max: 1500000,              percent: 0.1          },          {              min: 1500000,              max: null,              percent: 0.12          }      ];       var secondtaxbands = [          {              min: 0,              max: 125000,              percent: 0.03          },          {              min: 125000,              max: 250000,              percent: 0.05          },          {              min: 250000,              max: 925000,              percent: 0.08          },          {              min: 925000,              max: 1500000,              percent: 0.13          },          {              min: 1500000,              max: null,              percent: 0.15          }      ];       var tablerow = "<tr><td>{taxband}</td><td>{percent}</td><td>{taxable}</td><td class='tax'>{tax}</td></tr>",           table = $("#explained-table"),          results = $("#results"),          effectiverate = $("#effective-rate");           $('#calculate').on('click', function calculatebutton() {              if ($("#input-value").val() !== '') {                   calculatestampduty();              }          });           function calculatestampduty() {              var bands = taxbands,                         userinput = parseint($("#input-value").val(), 10),                  row;              if ($('#second-home').is(':checked')) {                  bands = secondtaxbands;             }              if (table.length) {                   table.find("tr:gt(0)").remove();              }              var taxablesum = function (x, y) {                  var maxband = (x !== null) ? math.min(x, userinput) : maxband = userinput;                  return maxband - y;             },                 tax = function (taxablesum, x) {                  return (taxablesum * x).tofixed(2);             },                 effectiverate = function(tax) {                     return math.round(tax / userinput * 100).tofixed(1);             },                   numberwithcommas = function (x) {                 var parts = x.tostring().split(".");                 parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\b(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");                 return parts.join(".");             };                          (var = 0; < bands.length; i++) { //for loop loop through array of objects              var min = bands[i].min, //variables used arguments in functions above, not best practice declare functions in loop                 max = bands[i].max,                 pct = bands[i].percent,                 taxablesum = taxablesum(max, min),                 tax = tax(taxablesum, pct),                 erate = effectiverate(tax);              if (max !== null) { //replaces template tags min, max , percent values in object                 row = tablerow.replace("{taxband}", "£" + min + " - " + "£" + max).replace("{percent}", (pct * 100) + "%");             } else {                 row = tablerow.replace("{taxband}", "£" + min + "+").replace("{percent}", (pct * 100) + "%"); //used last taxband             }               if (taxablesum < 0) {                 row = row.replace("{taxable}", "£" + 0 + ".00").replace("{tax}", "£" + 0 + ".00");             }   else if (userinput > 1500000) {                     row = row.replace("{taxable}", "£" + numberwithcommas(taxablesum)).replace("{tax}", "£" + numberwithcommas(tax));                     results.text("£" + numberwithcommas(tax));                     effectiverate.text(erate + "%");             }   else if (userinput > 925000) {                     row = row.replace("{taxable}", "£" + numberwithcommas(taxablesum)).replace("{tax}", "£" + numberwithcommas(tax));                     results.text("£" + numberwithcommas(tax));                     effectiverate.text(erate + "%");             }   else if (userinput > 250000) {                     row = row.replace("{taxable}", "£" + numberwithcommas(taxablesum)).replace("{tax}", "£" + numberwithcommas(tax));                     results.text("£" + numberwithcommas(tax));                     effectiverate.text(erate + "%");             }   else if (userinput > 125000) {                     row = row.replace("{taxable}", "£" + numberwithcommas(taxablesum)).replace("{tax}", "£" + numberwithcommas(tax));                     results.text("£" + numberwithcommas(tax));                     effectiverate.text(erate + "%");             }   else {                     row = row.replace("{taxable}", "£" + userinput).replace("{tax}", "£" + numberwithcommas(tax));                     results.text("£" + (numberwithcommas(tax) * 0));                     effectiverate.text(erate * 0 + "%");             }              table.append(row);              console.log(number(tax) );         }          }       }());  }); 

edit here fiddle

some of buttons functionality not completed yet, wanted calculations correct first

check fiddle.

basically create variable outside loop called totaltax. inside loop add tax value variable.

finally, should not set label text every time, instead set once @ end.

oh btw, tax calculation returns weird values when amount less 20000.


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