How to remove icon glare in XCode 5 / iOS 7? -

i using xcode 5 developer preview create ios 7 app. in ios 7, glare effect of icon not exist anymore. that's fine. now, when run app compiled xcode 5 on ios 6 device (or simulator) see glare effect on icon! usual ways of disabling glare (editing app-info.plist file) don't work anymore.

so question is: how can disable glare effect on ios 6 in app compiled xcode 5?

side note: i'm using asset library configure different icon sizes.

as nda has been lift, can tell answer:

  1. go images.xcassets in xcode 5 project
  2. look appicon
  3. select iphone app ios 5,6 57pt
  4. in inspector side bar, tick/untick "ios icon pre-rendered" checkbox wish!

enter image description here


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