c# - Windows Azure web role useUnsafeHeaderParsing="true" not working getting "The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine" -

i know post may duplicate have tried every solution method around internet & stackoverflow , have still no idea how fix it.

i trying simple other linux-php system windows azure web role, , "the server committed protocol violation. section=responsestatusline"

on local machine works on production inside windows azure it's not :-(.

i had verified loaded assembly correct, framework version correct.

what had tried do:

i have tried adding web.config

<system.net>  <settings>    <httpwebrequest useunsafeheaderparsing ="true"/>  </settings> 

didn't work @ all.

tried adding these :

request.servicepoint.expect100continue = false; request.keepalive = false; servicepointmanager.expect100continue = false;  servicepointmanager.maxservicepointidletime = 99999;  

didn't work @ all.

i had tried use http://restsharp.org/ request
didn't work @ all.

i had tried use https://www.nuget.org/packages/microsoft.net.http/ request
didn't work @ all.

i had tried use httpclient class call

didn't work @ all.

tried solution the server committed protocol violation. section=responsestatusline in c# didn't work @ all.

tried set property useunsafeheaderparsing via reflection. didn't work @ all.

tried many things more 10 hours no results.... still not working please help.

alter digging , digging , trying variant solution had found issue!!!

the issue there firewall in front of linux-php machine, providing totally misinformed response a bizarre text-html message.

so issue .net return incorrect response.

so step worked: check remote host or url not blocked on firewall!


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