c - regarding a line of code on bit operation -

how understand following lines of c# code in terms of bit operation

a = 15 & ( ^ (b << 3)); 

and bit operations in following segment of code, way declare uint8_t a , uint8_t b

  int  decode(const  void*  raw_in,  void*  raw_out,  uint32_t  password,  size_t  len)    {          ## code here ##         const  uint8_t*  in  =  (const  uint8_t*)raw_in;          uint32_t  seed  =  password  ^  0x48879c19u;           (size_t   =  0  ;   <  len;  ++i)  {                  uint8_t = (in[i] << 4) ^ seed;                  uint8_t b = (((uint32_t)in[i]) << 7 ^ seed) >> 11;    ....... 

a = 15 & ( ^ (b << 3));        |     |    |        |     |    |_left shift (b's bits left shifted 3)        |     |        |     |_bitwise xor (a xor result of (b<<3) )        |        |_ bitwise ,  ( 15 , result of above ) 

similarly >> right shift operator


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